M365 Intranet Transformations
From Chaos to Clarity
Strategic Education, Design and Accelerated Transformations for the Remote Era
Take Your Intranet from Chaos to Clarity, Fast!
Whether you started with a well-designed Internet or just moved Email to the M365 platform and gave all your employees OneDrive and Teams, three years of working remotely has most organizations needing a redesign or a restoration of their Intranet.
Welcome to our M365 Roadmap Solution, where we have applied 20 years of “best practices” experience to create a rapid, 4 step process to build tailored M365-based Intranets that align with your organization's unique needs. Our proven methodology ensures successful outcomes by first empowering your Steering Committee with the knowledge and tools to actively participate in the design process, then we work with them to create a detailed, custom project specification. A process accelerated by combining our experience and library of Internet architectures, page layouts and document management strategies with your Teams knowledge of their unique business requirements and challenges.
Whether you go on to build it yourselves, with our help, or take it out to bid, we think you’ll find our process will ensure a successful outcome. Interested? Read on or schedule a Teams meeting to learn more.
Engagement #1
Requirements Gathering
Requirements Sessions gather and document your requirements while also preparing your team to participate in the design process.
In a series of six 1-hour online “Awareness Sessions”, we instill a robust understanding of the Microsoft 365 Platform in your organization's Steering Committee. Our approach is not merely about delivering a series of instructional awareness sessions; it's about providing a practical educational tour of the major components, their capabilities, and how other organizations employ them to create modern intranets.
Our meticulously designed program is empowering, and tailored to your Steering Committee’s unique needs. The educational journey unfolds in six key steps, each centered around a major component of the Microsoft 365 platform.
This comprehensive, step-by-step approach ensures that committee members gain a solid, functional understanding of the platform and its applications, preparing them for participating in the creation of your Intranet Project Specification. By the end of this engagement, your Steering Committee will not just be educated; they'll be empowered, ready to contribute effectively to the design and implementation of an Intranet optimized for your organization.
Typically $4000 (for up to 12 attendees from the same company)
Engagement #2
Creating an Actionable Intranet Design Specification
Creating a Detailed Intranet Specification with a Trained Steering Committee Ensures your Project's Success
We work with your "Awareness Trained" steering committee in eight 2-hour sessions to design a comprehensive intranet specification “packet”. This includes setting Intranet Goals and Scope, documenting SharePoint library specifications, creating an architectural blueprint, department wireframes, homepage layouts, Teams channels, a migration strategy, identifying permission groups, defining the end user training curriculum, Intranet governance policies and more.
Equipped with this packet you can immediately go out to bid and receive multiple, informed “apples to apples” responses or move into Engagement #3, where we build the Intranet alongside your team. (Approximately two weeks and $16,000)
Typically $16,000 (for up to 12 attendees from the same company)
Engagement #3
Intranet Deployment
With a Detailed Specification, this is an Act of Rapid Assembly not Discovery.
We assemble your new M365 SharePoint / Teams Intranet exactly matching the specification jointly developed with your Steering Committee in Engagement #2. This includes creating a branded departmental structure, duplicating it for each department, creating the top site, and configuring the training and support site. In a series of working sessions we build your Intranet while you're Steering Committee observes .
All working sessions are recorded and are added to the training and support library to facilitate future expansion and modification by your staff.
Typically $32,500 (2-4 weeks for an intranet with 10 department sites)
Engagement #4
Legacy Document Curation and Migration
Document Curation and Migration can be as Easy as Going Shopping
We offer a unique, participatory process for collecting all your important documents and placing them into the appropriate libraries in your new department sites. Working with a department representative we take them “shopping” for their relevant documents.
We visit their Shared Network Drives, M365/Teams Libraries, OneDrive, even Google and Drobox holdings. As documents are identified they are mapped to the appropriate locations in the new intranet department libraries using ShareGate. After mapping they are copied into the new Internet libraries and once verified by the department owner an “incremental migration” takes place to ensure the latest versions are captured. The process is recorded and the recordings are added to the new Intranet's training and support library so that your own personnel can continue the process with other departments on their own if they so desire.
Approximately $5,500 (per department)